24-28 Jul 2023 Rome (Italy)


Please find the final program in the sidebar (2023-07-19)!

Flyer MecaNano Summer School 2023


MecaNano Summer School 2023 will take place July 24-28 2023 at Università degli studi Roma Tre, Department of Civil, Computer and Aeronautical Engineering (Rome, Italy).

Please see the dedicated webpage for further guidance.

Conference Fee

We do not charge any conference fee.

MecaNano is funded by COST under the Horizon Europe program of the European Union and University of Roma Tre is gracefully providing a venue.

The participants and/or their host institutions are expected to cover their travel costs.

Travel support

Limited funding is available to support PhD students (or early PostDocs) for travelling to the Summer School in case funds are not available at their home institution. In case the available funds are oversuscribed, individual decisions will be made on merit and COST policies. Please apply until May 31st. The decisions will be communicated beginning of June.

Organization Committee

The main organizers are:

Prof. Marco Sebastiani - University Roma Tre, Italy

 Local Organizer

Prof. Christoph Kirchlechner - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

With support from the MecaNano leadership:

MecaNano Leadership

Dr. Marie-Stéphane Colla, ULouvain, Belgium

Prof. Benoit Merle, University of Kassel, Germany

Dr. Marc Legros, CEMES-CNRS, France

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